is a free matchmaking service for practicing Catholics of any age in the St. Louis area who love the Church. is inspired by the successful efforts of Father Fernando Cuevos Raposo, a priest in Ibiza, Spain. Father Fernando has helped 270 couples find love. Read his story here.

We are a group of happily married lay Catholics in St. Louis, Missouri. We have watched with distress the difficulty many committed Catholics have finding a suitable spouse in our society. We would like to address this problem in metro St. Louis.

Like Fr. Fernando, we will have interested Catholics answer a questionnaire. When we find a possible match we will send the profile of the other to each party. If they both give the go-ahead we will send the woman's contact information to the man and tell her to expect him to reach out.

The key to a lifelong marriage is that both the man and the woman are generous, sacrificial people who, as Father Fernando says “are very spiritual people and they are very used to giving and giving themselves”. If you are this type of person you are welcome to submit a questionnaire. If you do not hear back from us immediately, even after several weeks or months, please be patient. We will only contact you if we think we have a good match for you. Here is the link to our questionnaire.

Hellelil and Hildebrand, The Meeting on the Turret Stairs, Frederic William Burton, Irish, 1816 - 1900, National Gallery of Ireland

Zeal Purity Generosity

(Disclaimer: is a 100% lay Catholic initiative developed without the participation of or authorization of the Archdiocese of St. Louis or any other Catholic institution.)